Friday, March 29, 2019

Fifth Friday - Kickstarters - March 29th - The Most beautiful Tarot Deck I've Ever Seen!

Hi All!

Still so much going on I cannot seem to find the time to write here but I wanted to share this one link (or two) to the Kickstarter for the most amazing Tarot deck I have ever seen!

It only has six days remaining but we jumped on board a few weeks back and have been thrilled to watch the support for the artist's work grow! She is amazing so I am including a link to her gallery page as well since all of her artwork is stunning. But the TAROT! 78 OLI paintings???

Each highly detailed and very original in style and depiction of the tarot symbolisms.

DO check it out as you can order after the KS expires through the gallery!

The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant

And this is the link to her paid at the ME art gallery:

ME Gallery Page for Lacey Bryant

And because I know 50+$ is steep for anything, let alone a tarot deck, I thought I'd include a KS that ANYONE can afford. This gent named Will has decided to write handwritten letters to anyone who wants one and post it to you for only $1!!

13 days left to support it and receive a handwritten letter too! :)

A Handwritten Letter Kickstarter

Anyway, I thought these were both equally deserving of sharing and of supporting.

May you find them both inspiring and, in the case of the letters, even reassuring that as the world around us changes, some people still hold the value of something such as a handwritten letter close to their heart.



  1. Thanks Nicolas!!! Both are very inspiring! Happy Easter! Big Hugs!

  2. I've always loved the classic, Raider Waite ^^
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I hope all is okay, Nicolas. It's been a long time since you last posted. Stay safe and well.
