Well now, this post is a day late. How is it every year I forget how quickly the holidays ramp up in both sales and requests from our few retail sellers?? as I go merrily along just making things and dreaming up new ideas. . . time just slips away. :)
I feel overwhelmed already. . . not by the business but by the desire to make sooooo many things that I know would be sought after this season. But I have a larger picture in my head for the year to come, as you all know. So I keep at it. Staying the course. Writing 1000 words a day, editing, mapmaking, researching. . . just this past week I had to study up on seagoing transportation of livestock in ancient times, the feasibility of two crescent moons in the sky at the same time, bog butter, ancient currency, cisterns and honeyguide birds. It's all a lot of fun really, but just leaves time for little else right now. . .
But without any more delay, here are some new items created in the last month! Enjoy!!
Dinn - a smaller member of my Gargoyle world. I've decided that a grouping of gargoyles is called a "quarry". :) |
I am really loving this particular red these days. . . |
My first wizard in the "Little People" collection. . . though certainly not the last! |
Hadn't made a Tiny Robot in months. . . I just love how they turn out all "rusted" and such. :) |
I am enjoying giving each town in my Bewildering Pine world a distinct architecture. |
I haven't made many cow goddesses like this Hathor. But I love when I do get a request! She makes me feel peaceful. |
A large, 9" (22.5cm) Nephthys, sister of Isis, Goddess of Ancient Egypt |
In reworking the features of the Bewildering Pine world for the stories/book, I decided while houses and cottages vary by town, the shoppes all have a similar architecture no matter where they are located. Reason? That's yet to be revealed. . . |
Little Gingerbread houses on wintry stars . . .The house is just over 2.75" (7 cm) tall! |
Well, that's what's new here. . . hoping Halloween was a delight in your corners of the world! I did manage to carve a jack-o-lantern and roast pumpkin seeds this year, the j-o-l was appropriately named "Punky". . . and I am looking forward to making a turnip lantern for St Martin's day on the 11th! And holiday baking!! Recipes to share soon. :)